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Houston Burn Injury Lawyer

Physically, burns are among the most painful of all injuries. But the psychological pain may be even worse than the physical, making it important to contact a Houston burn injury lawyer today if you’re suffering from such pain. Serious burns leave scars and contractures that are so disfiguring the victim may become isolated and withdrawn, and unable to work because of the stares and discomfort when other people see the horrific damage. Visible damage and disfigurement is often only part of the story; burns may damage the internal organs and cause other complications, some of which are life-threatening. Infection is the most frequent complication, along with sepsis, organ failure, lung problems, shock, amputations, and gangrene. Nearly half a million people are treated for burns annually in the United States.

Fatalities from Burn Injuries

Motor vehicle accidents are a common cause of burns, occurring when a gas tank or fuel line cracks or ruptures and ignites. Fires from motor vehicle crashes killed 300 people in 2012 and injured many others. Fires and chemical burns in the workplace are another frequent cause, as well as fires in homes or public places caused by negligence or a deliberate act of arson.

The American Burn Association reports these U.S. burn injury fatality statistics for 2012:

  • There were a total of burn injury 3400 deaths
  • Residential fires caused 2,550 deaths;
  • Motor vehicle crash fires killed 300;
  • Contact with electricity, scalding liquids, and hot objects caused 400 deaths;
  • Non-residential fires caused 150 deaths;
  • Miscellaneous causes of burns from various sources caused 550 fatalities.

Have you or a family member suffered a serious burn, or was a loved one killed from being burned because of someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing? If so, you may be entitled to recover monetary compensation for your damages. For the best results, you should contact a Houston personal injury lawyer who understands the law, knows how to deal with insurance companies, and can call upon experts to identify the cause of the fire or the negligent act or condition that resulted in the injury.

Burn Treatment Costs

Burns are notoriously expensive to treat. Someone who has been severely burned may face multiple surgeries, extensive rehabilitation, and years of ongoing psychological counseling. On the average, the initial hospital stay for a serious burn that covers 30 percent of the body is as much as $200,000. And that doesn’t include essential reconstructive surgery, physical and occupational therapy, or psychological therapy; nor does it include present and future loss of earnings and earning potential.

In severe cases, the real tragedy of a burn is the mental anguish, social isolation, and loss of so many of the things that make life enjoyable for most people.

Your serious burn injuries are likely effect on your life in many ways, none of them good. You deserve an award of an amount of money that will give you the best chance to recover some semblance of a normal life, with whatever medical procedures that may become necessary and adequate living expenses for you and your family when you can’t work. Your compensation should not only cover your economic costs, but should also reflect the emotional anguish and damage to your quality of life from health problems, disfigurement, and inability to do the things that you once enjoyed. The attorney you select to represent you should have years of experience working with burn victims and obtaining full and fair compensation for clients.

Houston Burn Injury Lawyers

The compassionate, skilled, and experienced Houston personal injury lawyers at Gordon & Elias, LLP, have a total of sixty years of combined legal experience and a superior track record of obtaining large awards in the millions in serious and catastrophic injury cases. We know how to conduct a thorough investigation of a fire or other burn accident, and we have a team of specialists on call to assist whenever the case requires an expert opinion or testimony to support your claim. Our practice is centered on your needs, and we’ll keep you involved in every step of the decision-making process.

Contact us today. We’ll meet with you at no cost to discuss your case and will show you how the right lawyer can help you at this difficult time.

Client Testimonials

I have friends that have hired other lawyers. Their lawyers have not done nearly as much for them as GES has done for me and my family."
Matthew J
"Todd Elias is like a brother now. He is a really good person.
I appreciate everything he has done for me."
Steven C
"They worked very hard. The settlement they got for us allows us to plan for our future. Our life since the settlement is much nicer."
Norris M
"The firm makes you feel more than welcomed. They take time to assist you, they don't just rush you through."
William S
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